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Easier, Complete and Cheap - Libre Office

Asslmkm wr wb,

Hi friends, now i'll tell you something about application or you can say that as tools in Ubuntu exactly. As we know the open source application just like ubuntu OS, have the free tools, it's mean we can get the application without pay it. It's free even the performance as good as the close application (we must pay if we want to use it, if we don't we say it as crack and it's was really bad). And now i'll tell you about the 'Libre Office', do you know what it is? Yeah, exactly right. It was the same like 'Microsoft Office' does, it's function also almost the same, just the interface are mostly different. And a few function that prepared in Micsrosoft some case there's not that function in the Libre Office, and vice persa. I can say it as your answer problem, if you must pay until million Rupiah, you can use it as FREE guys!

Cutiped from, they say that “LibreOffice is the power-packed free, libre and open source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and GNU/Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. You, too, can get involved! “. Isn't it great? Now we will explain it one by one, as can as I tell you..

      1. Libre Office Writer
        This was the one could be say replacer for Ms. Word that we usually learn. It was so simple for make some note, but it was quite powerfull enough to make some books, or you want to publish it as .pdf more easier, also the other facilitate by this Writer for make your write more interest.

      2. Libre Office Calc
        The features just like the Ms. Excel, it used to calculate some data numerical. Also have formulas function the same. It was really help for you if you are an administrator and need the free, simple, and almost complete feature.

      3. Libre Office Impress
        It was the most important if you are an College student, it function was the same like Ms. Power point. It really help in make multimedia presentations. Presentations can be enhanced with 2D and 3D clip art, special effects and transition styles, animations, and high-impact drawing tools. Also you can download template from libreoffice repository.

      4. Libre Office Draw
        It for you that have some creativity, if you like to draw something just like make some picture, it also could edit some picture but the feature didn't as complete as Corel Draw, and If you want make some symbol, it was reccomended for you.

      5. Libre Office Math
        Math is the LibreOffice suite's formula editor, that can be invoked in your text documents, spreadsheets, presentations and drawings, to enable you to insert perfectly-formatted mathematical and scientific formulas. Your formulas can include a wide range of elements, from fractions, terms with exponents and indices, integrals, and mathematical functions, to inequalities, systems of equations, and matrices.

      6. Libre Office base
        And the last is Base, that as we known from the name, it was the tools that let you make some database. It was full featured for you that want to be programmer. Base provides wizards to help users who are new to database design (or just new to Base) to create tables, queries, forms and reports, and it comes supplied with a set of predefined table definitions for tracking assets, customers, sales orders, invoices and many other commonly-useful items.

        sumber :

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